
How to connect computer to internet via bluetooth phone

Connecting computer to internet via bluetooth phone is not so much important but sometimes we extremely need it. Some of my friends ask me about connecting computer to internet via bluetooth phone. So I am here to share about it. Here are the steps you can follow and/or simply watch the video where all the steps are demonstrated.

  1. Open Control Panel: Go to "Start menu" and type "Control Panel" and clik on it.
  2. Open Devices and Printer: Under Hardware and Sound, click on "View Devices and Printer"
  3. Add Bluetooth Device: Click on "Add Device", turn on your bluetooth on you phone, and choose your bluetooth device(phone) and click Next Some number will given if match to your bluetooth device then click yes and at the same time accept the connection request on your phone (this may take few seconds).
  4. Connect to Internet via Access Point: right click on your bluetooth device and connect using> Access Point, Note that you have to turn to your data connection on your phone.
  5. Now Surf Internet via connected internet...

 If you have some queries and suggestion then please feel free to mention in comment below. We will Appreciate it. Thank you.

Warning: Please do not try this if you have other cheap connection it may cost high.

Watch Video: How to Connect computer to internet via bluetooth phone


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