
How to Create hosted network using CMD trick

Command Prompt (CMD) trick

Sometimes we need some third party softwares to create hotspot from out laptop to share wifi with friends through our laptop. As we know sharing is caring. Here I am writing about how to create hotspot network without using third party software, using command prompt. Simply Follow these steps.


 1: Go to Start.
 2: Search Command Prompt by simply Typing "cmd"
 3: Right Click On Command Prompt, and run as administrator
 4: Create hosted network by Entering following command:
             netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = ssid  password = passphrase
 5: Start the created hosted network by Entering following command:
             netsh wlan start hostednetwork

If you have queries please feel free to comment comment below We will clear you. Thank you.

Watch Video: How to Create hosted network CMD trick



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